Saturday, September 20, 2014

The Third Millennium by Dr. Paul Meier

The Third Millennium: A Novel, Dr. Paul Meier. Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1993. paperback, 311 pps.  [no tweets since February]  [videos]

     The Third Millennium is the first of a trilogy. Michael the Archangel is assigned to watch over a Jewish family from California. Since they aren't saved, they miss the rapture. The college-aged daughter by the name of Ruth falls for a car salesman whose dad was a gifted preacher and scholar of apocalyptic prophecy based on the bible. The parents don't like the idea of the car salesman at first. But god has a plan for the family, the car salesman, some other college kids, and friends of the family. The family and some friends get saved afterwards. The college kids are on fire for Jesus. Many of the people wind up in the ruins of two small towns in Israel where christians are sheltered from the woes of the world. They minister to the sick and the injured. Jesus comes back and a grand reunion of the living and the dead saints occurs.

sapphoq reviews saysDr. Paul Meier started some christian counseling centers and is widely renown for his work in that area. He has written a lot of books. It is obvious that he has thoroughly researched material for this book. I had trouble following the significance that he assigned to various numbers and combinations of numbers. [There is an appendix with more info in the back of the book]. I thought that Ruth was more sheltered than the average young adult attending college. The characters were likable and believable. I think most bible-believing christians would enjoy this book. The rest of us-- not so much. Recommended for fundamentalist christians. Suitable for christian teens also.

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